Construction Rules & Regulations
Construction Or Service Work: Any construction, service or repair work, as well as the contractors performing such work, must be approved in writing by the property management office. These individuals must provide evidence of appropriate insurance and license (as required) as well as being reputable. All vendors and contractors must abide by building rules and must sign in at the security personnel’s desk upon arrival and departure. All after-hours work must be scheduled through the property management office, particularly should the security personnel be required to provide the contractor with access to the tenant suite.
- No items are to be placed on any window sills or mullions. Drywall screws or studs are not to be secured to mullions.
- Carpet shall be placed in lobby area to prevent dust from being tracked into the elevators.
- Construction personnel may not ride the passenger elevators or the parking garage elevators for any reason. The freight elevator is the only elevator available for construction personnel.
- Construction personnel are to use bathrooms designated by the Landlord.
- If any construction work is being done after the building is closed for the evening, or on the weekends, there must be a supervisor on the job. The supervisor must be an employee of the General Contractor. The property management office must be notified prior to after-hours construction, 972-869-9399.
- Fire sprinkler lines may not be drained unless prior authorization is given from the Chief Engineer.
- Smoke detectors must be bagged during the day. An individual must be appointed fire watch. It is the General Contractor's responsibility to ensure all smoke detectors and fire sprinkler systems are in proper working order at the end of each day.
- Only rubber door stops are to be used to hold open any building standard door. NO EXCEPTIONS.
- No trash is to be stored on any other floor of the building.
- The construction area is to be kept free of excessive amounts of trash and removed as directed by property management.
- Trash can only be removed after-hours. A dumpster can be placed at the loading dock between 6:00 PM and 6:00 AM and on weekends. This must be coordinated with the property management office.
- No building dumpster may be used without prior approval. The General Contractor is responsible for removing trash from the building.
- Core drilling is allowed before 8:00 AM and after 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday, if property management has given prior approval. No core drilling between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM Monday through Friday.
- An inventory list must be given to the property management office upon starting the build-out space to ensure enough inventory is available. (If applicable)
- Review mechanical plans with the Chief Engineer prior to tenant move-in.
- Provide test and balance reports to the Chief Engineer prior to tenant move-in.
- All electrical circuits must be labeled.
- A list of all subcontractors must be submitted to the property management office.
- Unloading of materials through the loading dock is permitted, however, daily parking for any vehicles is unavailable.
- Insurance as required by the attached schedule must be provided to the property management office
- Any questions or comments on the above guidelines may be directed to Kelly Smith, Property Manager at 972-869-9399.