General Rules and Regulations
Mandalay Tower has adopted the following rules and regulations for the care, protection and benefit of the building and for the general comfort and welfare of all tenants.
- The sidewalks, entrances, passages, halls, elevators and stairways shall not be obstructed by Tenant or used by Tenant for any purpose other than for ingress and egress to and from the Project and Tenant’s Premises.
- Restroom facilities, water fountains, and other water apparatus shall not be used for any purpose other than those for which they were constructed.
- Landlord reserves the right to designate the time when freight, furniture, goods, merchandise and other articles may be brought into, moved or taken from Tenant’s Premises or the Project.
- Tenant shall not put additional locks or latches upon any door without the written consent of Landlord. Any and all locks so added on any door shall remain for the benefit of Landlord, and the keys to such locks shall be delivered to Landlord by and from Tenant.
- Landlord shall not be liable for injuries, damage, theft, or other loss, to persons or property that may occur upon, or near any parking areas that may be provided by Landlord. Tenants, it agents, employees, and invitees are to use same at their own risk, Landlord to provide no security with respect thereto. The driveways, entrances, and exists upon, into and from such parking areas shall not be obstructed by Tenant, Tenant’s employees, agents, guests, or invitees; provided, however, Landlord shall not be responsible or liable for failure of any person to observe this rule. Tenant, its employees, agents, guests and invitees shall not park in space(s) that may be reserved for others.
- Tenant shall not install in the Premises any heavyweight equipment or fixtures or permit any concentration of excessive weight in any portion thereof without first having obtained Landlord’s written consent.
- Landlord reserves the right at all times to exclude newsboys, loiterers, vendors, solicitors, and peddlers from the Project and to require registration or satisfactory identification or credentials from all persons seeking access to any part of the Project outside ordinary business hours. Landlord will exercise its best judgment in the execution of such control but will not be liable for the granting or refusal of such access.
- Landlord reserves the right at all times to exclude the general public from the Project upon such days and at such hours as in Landlord’s sole judgment will be in the best interest of the Project and its tenants.
- No wires of any kind or type (including but not limited to T.V. and radio antennas) shall be attached to the outside of the Project and no wires shall be run or installed in any part of the Project without Landlord’s prior written consent.
- Landlord shall furnish a reasonable number of door keys or electronic access cards or both to Tenant’s Premises or the Building or both which will remain the property of Landlord and will be subject to replacement or discontinuance at Landlord’s option. If not sooner replaced or discontinued, all keys and access cards will be surrendered on termination or expiration of the Lease. Tenant shall get keys and access cards only from Landlord and shall not obtain duplicate keys or access cards from any outside source. Further, Tenant shall not alter the locks or electronic access equipment or effect any substitution of the same as are being used in Tenant’s Premises or the Building.
- Tenant shall keep all doors to Premises closed at all times except for ingress and egress to the Premises.
- All installations in the Common Telephone/Electrical Equipment Rooms shall be limited to terminal boards and connections. All other electrical equipment must be installed within Tenant’s Premises.
- It is expressly understood and agreed that any item of any nature whatsoever placed in common areas (i.e. hallways, restrooms, elevators, parking garage, storage areas and equipment rooms) are placed at the Tenant’s sole risk and Landlord assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any loss or damage as regards same.
Click here to download a comprehensive copy of building rules and regulations