In the event of a fire, the safe and rapid evacuation of affected areas is a joint responsibility of the property management and the tenants in that area. Realizing that life safety in high-rise buildings is dependent upon the timely, accurate and specific notification to all occupants, it is imperative that the established plan is adhered to.
- In case of a fire in your area, remove anyone from immediate danger. This means the room where the fire is located or the immediate vicinity of the fire. This is not an evacuation of the premises.
- If the alarm is not already sounding, go to the nearest fire alarm manual pull station on your floor and pull the station handle. This will alert other occupants on your floor, one below and one above, as well as the Irving Fire Department. DO NOT attempt to extinguish a fire yourself until an alarm has been activated
- Call the property management office at 972-869-9399. Alert your supervisor and all other occupants on your floor.
- Once you have reported the fire, attempt to extinguish it only if it is small and the conditions do not pose a personal threat.
- Close, but DO NOT LOCK all interior doors when evacuating. Turn off all electrical equipment except lights.
- Proceed to the nearest stairwell exit and move at a steady, but safe pace down the stairwell. Occupants should proceed single file staying close to the outside of the stairwell. As evacuees approach the next landing, they should be prepared to move to the center (toward the inside) of the stairwell, if necessary, to allow any evacuees from that level to move to the outside of the stairwell. DO NOT ENTER THE RESTROOMS AND DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS AS A MEANS OF EVACUATION. Fire Department personnel will advise if certain elevators may be used for the evacuation of persons with disabilities.
- If caught in smoke, take short breaths, breathe through your nose and crawl to escape. Air is better near the floor.
- Once you have exited the building, proceed to the area designated for you by your Fire Warden to report that you have safely evacuated the building.