
Toxic Hazards

Many hazardous materials do not have a taste or odor.  Some material can be detected because they cause physical reactions such as watering eyes or nausea.  If you suspect a chemical threat of any kind, please follow the established plan.

  1. Seal off area affected where the chemical threat has occurred.  Do not attempt to move any objects that may have been contaminated.
  2. Notify the Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division at 911 by reporting: “We have a possible chemical threat on the ____ floor of the Mandalay Tower, 220 E Las Colinas Blvd.”
  3. Notify the property management office at 972-869-9399.  Alert your supervisor of the situation.
  4. Once you have reported the threat and closed off the effected area, have any employee that has come into contract with the chemicals wash their hands thoroughly.
  5. The Fire Department will give you further instructions to follow.

If it becomes necessary to evacuate, the procedure is the same as a fire evacuation.